Deloropets/Blog/Transporting pets to the UAE: important questions about vaccination
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Transporting pets to the UAE: important questions about vaccination


Before traveling with your pets to the UAE (United Arab Emirates), it is important to get acquainted with the vaccination requirements to ensure your trip is smooth and hassle-free. In this mini-article we will look at the list of vaccines that are accepted for the import of dogs and cats into the UAE.

For dogs 🐶:

Nobivac, Eurican, Canigen, Biocan, Vanguard, Hexadog, Defensor, Rabigen Mono, Rabisin

For cats 🐈‍⬛:

Nobivac, Eurican Purevax, Quadricat, Biofel, Felocell, Feligen, Defensor, Rabigen Mono, Rabisin

Before departure, please ensure that your pet is up to date on vaccinations and that you have all the necessary documentation to prove it is vaccinated. Remember that some vaccines may take some time to activate, so plan your trip in advance.

Compliance with all vaccination requirements will help avoid delays and problems when transporting your pets to the UAE. Travel safely and comfortably with your precious ones!

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